Saturday, March 14, 2009

TMI Warning!!!

Mom has been in Lucerne for a week now. She has had good days, and not so good days. I finally received all the results. Her CT scan showed nothing abnormal. Her cultures showed fungus in the urine, but there are also bacteria in her blood. The PICC line was infected and she now has Enterococcus and Staph in the blood. Because of her decreased kidney functions, they cannot give her antibiotics like they would if you or I were in her place. They give a dose of Vancomycin today, then wait a few days, and then give the next dose. Of course, as soon as I heard this all my worst fears surfaced. This is how the whole process began! But the doctor so far is not as worried as I am (or he is better at hiding it than I am). He is not calling this sepsis. He is calling this bacteremia.

So for now, we wait... We hope for good days, when she is confused but her hallucinations are not frightening... We remain thankful that her kidneys are holding on.... And we continue as much of her physical therapy as we can.

Postnote - I am running out of Alaska pics of Mom. This is from Skagway, Alaska in front of the infamous Red Onion Saloon.

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